Male student

General Description:

We offered 8-10 centers when each class visited the library space for their 30 minute visit. Students were able to select where to spend their time and were permitted to change centers, if desired. We set a maximum number of students at each center, and that information was communicated on the signs placed at each area. (See sample sign below.) Students responded well to those visual cues and moved about with confidence and independence. 

The centers included activities such as: building, coding robots, drawing and designing two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks, as well as puzzle activities. There were virtually no behavioral problems during any of our sessions. The students were motivated and engaged in learning that they found exciting.

S.T.E.A.M. Week ignited a culture of learning and well-being. Here is what students said in the survey conducted after their visit:

  • “I enjoyed being able to program some things at the drawing robots, because it widens my understanding of programming.”

  • “I felt relaxed at the drawing center that’s why I liked it.”

  • “It was easier to build when I was using the correct sides to connect while using the magnet blocks.”

  • “I want to figure out how to get the pixel blocks to fit right the first time without turning them.”

  • “I loved how it turned out and how fun it was to make the weaving.”

  • “I tried making a ramp, and then I figured out that it wasn't going to work because the marble kept falling out of the tower. So we had to build a structure around it so that the marble wouldn’t fall out.”

  • “I liked the Botly Bot 2.0. You have to code it to work. If you don't, it will do nothing.”

  • “I felt confident about my drawings and what I was building out of blocks.”

  • “I want to learn how to control the robot more.”